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The Cost Of Workplace Sexual Harassment


For the victim of workplace sexual harassment, the cost is often not one of finances–although, feeling as if you must leave your current job to remain safe can result in lost wages; but rather, the long-term consequences are emotional.

But for the New York employer who permits such actions to continue, the costs can be financially damaging. Brown Kwon and Lam is here to explain the cost of workplace sexual harassment.

Legal Costs of Workplace Sexual Harassment

When an employee files a sexual harassment suit against an employer, the costs add up–especially when the verdict is in the employee’s favor. Such costs include:

  • Settlements/Awards
  • Reputation Damage
  • Filing and Processing Time/Fees
  • Legal Fees

Remember, depending on the law (federal, state, New York City) will determine the maximum award in a sexual harassment case. In some cases, there are statutory caps on how much can be awarded under Title VII. So for example, if the employer has more than 500 employees, the victim may obtain up to $300,000 in compensatory damages and $300,000 in punitive damages.

Under state law and New York City Human Rights Law, there is no capped amount.

Health Costs

When an employee brings forward claims of sexual harassment, they may face an ongoing battle with mental and physical health complications as a result. And that can cost employers big time.

Under New York’s harassment law, an employee can seek back pay, lost future wages, compensatory damages for medical expenses and emotional distress, interest, and attorneys’ fees as well as punitive damages.

According to and Talkspace, mental health providers in New York City can charge upwards of $200 for a 45-minute session and with multiple sessions needed, you can imagine how those costs will impact an employer.

Other Employee Productivity Costs Following a Sexual Harassment Claim

A sexual harassment claim doesn’t just impact the victim, it impacts other employees as well. With reduced performance, lower job satisfaction ratings, and overall decreased employee morale, failing to address these preventable workplace issues can cost employers even after the case has been closed.

However, this can all be avoided. Implementing employment policies, taking sexual harassment concerns seriously, and becoming a safe place for employees to come forward with allegations not only help those employed, but the overall health of the business.

We know that sometimes employers miss the mark and employees need legal help. That’s where Brown Kwon & Lam comes in.

Brown Kwon & Lam: New York City Sexual Harassment Attorneys

If you experience this type of harassment, know that you are not alone. You may feel defenseless and as if you have lost your voice. Let us help you bring it back.

Let the employment attorneys of Brown Kwon & Lam represent you in your New York sexual harassment case. We have the experience and the drive to bring you justice. Contact us today.
